k-tec’s Poseidon festival isn’t a feast to the Greek gods, as it sounds. It is the opening celebration for the entire k-tec team, in honour of our newest large-scale machines, and thus our greatest investment in the company’s legacy.
With their impressive size of 14 x 4 meters each, the fourth large-capacity heater (Hades) and the third large-area processing center (Poseidon) are now the largest and most modern of any Austrian synthetics processing company. So we are celebrating the evening “inside” our machines – quite the unusual setting! (see the photo of the Poseidon). The machines are so large, our team of 40 had plenty of room to get lost!
As with our last celebrations at the Gardefest, Oktoberfest, our company trip to Berlin and the Christmas celebration, the Poseidon festival was another successful example of our team’s unity and friendship, with plenty of mingling and enjoying each other’s company, but also a great opportunity for a good party. The gods were good to us that evening, the trident striking open plenty of beer kegs! We take this as a good omen for the future, and trust that we’ll find plenty of reasons to celebrate!